Create Your Vision


New Year’s Thoughts & Reflections

After a year of experiencing challenges, loss, grief, and isolation in our own way, there were also many collective moments of hope, rebirth, and community building. I am grateful to have witnessed some of these moments first hand as clients and students continued to show up for themselves in sessions, and in class on their yoga mats.

Despite the fear we may have felt, we all continued forward.

With a new year comes hope, renewed intention setting, and an opportunity to create and live our VISION. As we enter 2021, I reflect on my own personal vision. I am taking time to remember what it is that I believe in, what I want to create in my life and for my community, and how I want to show up as a business owner, coach, & teacher. I also wonder what parts of me need to be released in order for me to live my vision fully.

“Just as a snake sheds its skin, we must shed our past
over and over again.”
― Gautama Buddha

A beautiful lesson from mother nature... as we grow, we must shed the layers of life that hold us back. Not to 'get rid' of or shun these parts, but to make space for new understanding, possibility, and growth. Like the snake sheds its old and outgrown skin, perhaps there are parts or versions of ourselves that we, too, have outgrown and no longer need to carry.


Thoughts to reflect on and/or journal:
- What can you shed that you have outgrown?
- What is the vision are you creating for 2021?
- What is ONE small step you can take towards building that vision today?


Jasmine Aldrich